Grace for today…
Having a special needs child gives one many opportunities to wait on the grace of Spirit, of Love, of the Universe, of God, whatever you want to call that all-pervading creative life force, inherent in all…
Today’s grace was Joy…and the simplicity of the day that made it so….
Today’s grace was Restraint…to not do or say something I’d regret in the frustration of the day…
Tonight’s grace was a White Light Moment….I had to attend to my son during the night. I value these times (sometimes, haha), for he is not a snuggler. At night, or if he’s really sick, he will burrow into my embrace, and let me cradle and snuggle him close to my heart while I give him a drink of something. Tonight was precious in so many ways, but especially with something that happened.
As I held him close, and he nestled in, I closed my eyes, and within my inner vision, darkness was dispelled by a soft white light. Light really isn’t the right word. It was all encompassing, like the air, coming from nowhere and everywhere, As this light grew, from it came rivers and forests, creation, clothed in this soft omnipresent illumination.
It didn’t come from me. Try as I might, I could not re-create the experience. Was it God? Was it John? Was it both? Or something completely different? Whatever it was, it was a grace….
Today’s grace was Humility… regard another, that my ego considers as helpless and lowly in regard, as worthy of the service of one’s heart, soul, mind and body, and that it is a privilege to do so…