Grandpa - 1993
Dear Grandpa,
At times you seem so far away, and I feel so sad with the loss, but my sense of temporary loss is your eternal gain. Although it seems impossible, I will replace my thoughts of sadness and fear with love and trust in God, thoughts that you are in a perfect world, away from the pain, tears and pressures of this physical existence. I will endeavour to live the hope we have, trusting fully in its promise.
You are with the Lord now. Is it glorious? What is it like with the physical barrier of flesh gone? What is it like when your spirit is released from its physical prison into unfettered communion with our Father? What is it like to be embraced by God? What is it like to be fused with forever? What is it like when Divine Love penetrates your inmost being? What is it like to return to truth? What is it like when God inhales His breath of creation that His Spirit exhaled when He created you?
We’ve come now to the end of our time together on earth, and I’d like to thank you once more for the love that you gave. To have known your unconditional love was to have had an insight into the depths of God’s love for me. It helped bridge a gap in awareness of the love of our Father for His children. Even though I know God is in and with me always, He was and is all the more real to me through your loving influence in my life, inspiring me to offer the same to others.
I know now that the loss of your physical presence will greatly enrich my life. Somehow heaven seems closer, more real and attainable to me to know that you are there. If I didn’t have the hope of one day seeing you again, knowing the separation was only an illusion, I couldn’t survive the loss of a loved one such as you.
Nothing can ever really keep us apart. Everything you modeled will be part of me always. I want to mirror to others in my life your unconditional love, your kindness, gentleness and patience. I want to help others feel as good about themselves as you did for me. You gave me self worth and total acceptance. As I mirror these traits, you will always be alive in my life.
Dear Grandpa, our relationship has not ended. It has only changed. As physical death is only a transition of life, so is it also a transition of our relationship, because I believe you are still alive.
God must be glad to have you home. I bet if the size of your crown of life is gauged by the happiness and love you’ve given to me, it must be the size of heaven.
Thank you for your legacy of love, Grandpa. I am so thankful for your example to follow. When my turn comes to meet the Lord, I hope that you and rest of my loved ones who have preceded me or have yet to precede me in death, will meet me there, and accompany me across the threshold to eternal life. Until then, good-bye til we meet again!!
With all the love possible,
Your granddaughter and sister in Christ,
PS, I sooooooooo miss you!