Crash and Burn
Job 16:7,22 and 17:1 - “Surely O God, You have worn me out, You have devastated my entire household…..Only a few short years and I will go on the journey of no return. My spirit is broken, my days are cut short, the grave awaits me”
Daddy help me!!!!!!
After a night of anguished sleeplessness, I feel like I’ve fallen down and can’t get back up again. The above passage from Job is the first thing I opened my Bible to. A tad depressing, but certainly appropriate. O Father, I know that this experience is one of your refining fires of life. It hurts, it burns, it stings, like my soul is parched and dry. But as much as I wallow in despair, You apply Your healing balm by making provisions to help me through. Thank you for these people. I must choose to let them help, and I do. This is by far the closest I’ve come to walking through fire, but as with the boys in the Bible, you walk with me and protect me from the scorching flames.
I know you are purifying my Spirit, and I rise to the challenge. Again and again, after each stumble, I get back up with Your help and take another step. Baby steps, right Father?