says Adyashanti…

Yep.  It’s still so easy for me to fall into frustration…really easy.  But my goodness, it’s becoming easiery..easiery? (that’s easier and more easy put together, haha, I think I’ll keep the word) to choose love.  THANK GOD!!!!!  When I choose to follow frustration, I feels so shytey inside, and I can feel the anger clenching its fist around my neck.  It’s quite literally a tightening noose…I can’t stop it, but I can be open to LOVE.  And boy, when that happens, it’s amazing.  I continue to become less and less attached to fear, because the outpouring of LOVE itself is far easier to live with.  It’s the ultimate muscle relaxant I suppose, lol.

And this spills over into being woken up by you, my dearest boy.  Last night I had to get up with you, and had a moment of ‘loving well’ about it.  You would appreciate that after my episodes of not loving well, haha.  I don’t try to solve your problems anymore.  I am just with you through them.  If there is an obvious disturbance, I will certainly rectify it, but if I can’t figure it out, I just go quiet and let LOVE…  Sometimes an idea I hadn’t thought of pops into my head.  Sometimes it’s just being there and bringing LOVE to the moment, and offer what support I can to distresses I cannot see.  LOVE has never let me down.  I may not see it initially, but when viewed through the proverbial eyes that see, and ears that hear, I eventually say, “….oh…”  And when there are frustrating circumstances, “LOVING well” always leaves me with no regrets, and that is  ha-uuuuuuuuuuuuuuge!!!!!